Wednesday, October 19, 2011


On October 12, First Tribunal Judge Carol Patricia Flores gave the arrest orders for three members of the military responsible for the genocide in Guatemala.  One was captured, while the other two – Generals Oscar Humberto Mejía Víctores and Luis Enrique Mendoza Garcia - now find themselves fugitives from the law.

The members of the military with arrest warrants formed part of the Department of Defence in the de facto government of General Efraín Ríos Montt and actively participated in the intellectual planning of the genocide against the Maya Ixil people through Plan Victoria 82. Their roles were fundamental in the commission of crimes against humanity and genocide during this time.

General Luis Enrique Mendoza Garcia was Director of Operations (G3) in the Army General Staff between April 1982 and August 1983; this position involved the elaboration of orders to mount and execute the entire operation of Plan Victoria 82, with knowledge of each of the steps the troops undertook in real time.

General Oscar Humberto Mejía Víctores was Vice Minister of Defence, in charge of the office of the Ministry of National Defence and formed part of the military high command; his functions included supervising and coordinating military actions planned in Victoria 82 and other plans, which gave him the capacity to know what happened in the interior of the country in real time.

We express our concern that two members of the military have run from the law; we demand that the relevant authorities pursue these two fugitives; we hope that there are no officials that could be implicated in the flight of these members of the military. It is important to note that General Mejía Víctores has an international arrest warrant, and as a result, cannot leave the country. If the general public has information on the whereabouts of these members of the military, we call on you to report to the Public Ministry or the National Civil Police.

We consider that the arrest warrants represent an important step; however, it is essential that this process continues to bring to justice those responsible for serious crimes that attack the dignity of all humanity. We will continue with the struggle for justice, resisting impunity and the threat of another genocide.

Because genocide cannot go unpunished!

Association for Justice and Reconciliation (AJR)
Centre for Legal Action in Human Rights (CALDH)
Convergence for Human Rights
National Maya Coordination and Convergence Waqib Kej
Coordination of Genocide Never Again

Guatemala, October 18th, 2011

El 12 de octubre, la Jueza Carol Patricia Flores del Juzgado Primero de Primera Instancia Penal, Narcoactividad y Delitos contra el Ambiente de Mayor Riesgo, giró las órdenes de captura contra tres militares responsables del genocidio en Guatemala, dando como resultado la captura de uno de los tres y encontrándose prófugos de la justicia los generales Oscar Humberto Mejía Víctores y Luis Enrique Mendoza García.

Los militares con órdenes de captura integraron el Estado Mayor de la Defensa del gobierno de facto del general Efraín Ríos Montt y participaron activamente en la planificación intelectual del genocidio contra el pueblo maya Ixil a través del Plan Victoria 82. Sus funciones fueron fundamentales para la comisión de los delitos de lesa humanidad y genocidio en dicha época.

El general de división Luis Enrique Mendoza García fungió como Director de la Sección de Operaciones (G3) del Estado Mayor General del Ejército entre abril del 82 y agosto del 83; dicho cargo implicó la elaboración de las órdenes para la ejecución y montar todo lo operativo para la ejecución del Plan Victoria 82, teniendo conocimiento de cada uno de los pasos que realizaban las tropas en tiempo real.

El general Oscar Humberto Mejía Víctores fungió como Vice Ministro de la Defensa encargado del despacho y Ministro de la Defensa Nacional e integró el Alto Mando Militar; su funciones consistieron en supervisar y coordinar las acciones militares planificadas en el Victoria 82 y otros planes, lo que le daba la facultad de conocer lo que pasaba en el interior en tiempo real.

Manifestamos nuestra preocupación ante el hecho de que dos militares se hayan dado a la fuga; exigimos a las autoridades correspondientes  la persecución de estos prófugos; esperamos que no hayan funcionarios que pudieran tener alguna responsabilidad en la fuga de estos militares. Es importante destacar que el general Mejía Víctores tiene orden de captura internacional, por lo que no puede salir del país. Exhortamos a la población en general que tenga información sobre el paradero de estos militares a que reporte al Ministerio Público o la Policía Nacional Civil.

Consideramos que las órdenes de captura representan un paso importante, sin embargo, es indispensable que se cumplan las mismas para llevar ante la justicia a los responsables de un delito grave que lastima la dignidad de la humanidad entera. Continuaremos con la lucha por la justicia, seguiremos resistiendo ante la impunidad y la amenaza de otro genocidio.


Asociación para la Justicia y Reconciliación – AJR
Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos – CALDH
Convergencia por los Derechos Humanos
Coordinación y Convergencia Nacional Maya Waqib Kej
Coordinación Genocidio Nunca Más

Guatemala, 18 de octubre de 2011.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Después de 29 años de impunidad en los delitos de lesa humanidad y genocidio cometidos durante el conflicto armado interno en contra del pueblo maya, el jueves 13, 
la Jueza Carol Patricia Flores deja ligado a proceso a uno de los autores intelectuales del genocidio, el general José Mauricio Rodríguez Sánchez quien fungió como Director de la Sección de Inteligencia (G2) del Estado Mayor General del Ejército, de abril del 82 a abril del 83, en el gobierno de Efraín Ríos Montt.

Kevin Hayes

En el año 2001, las víctimas sobrevivientes del genocidio interpusieron una querella contra el alto mando militar de 1982-1983 integrado por el Jefe de Estado, Efraín Ríos Montt, el Ministro de la Defensa General, Oscar Humberto Mejía Víctores y el General Héctor Mario López Fuentes. Después de casi diez años, el Ministerio Público ha culminado con la investigación de dicho caso y solicita la orden de captura de uno de los implicados, dándose exitosamente y quedando éste ligado a un proceso judicial.

Manifestamos nuestra complacencia por este hecho que demuestra que en Guatemala se están iniciando a crear condiciones para juzgar graves violaciones a los derechos humanos cometidas durante el conflicto armado. Esperamos que el resto del proceso continúe con actuaciones como estas que fortalecen el estado de derecho en nuestro país.

Kevin Hayes

La justicia camina, pero la impunidad le pone obstáculos. Nuevamente, el general López Fuentes, evadió la justicia en un acto repudiable. Hoy se realzaría la diligencia para que Jueza determinara la apertura a juicio oral y público, en el Hospital Militar, sin embargo, el general genocida se encontraba en estado de inconciencia, sin poderse establecer si era a causa de su estado médico o producto por haber sido sedado a propósito, motivo por el cual no se pudo realizar la audiencia.

Mientras la Jueza y las partes procesales del caso estaban en la habitación de López Fuentes, en la entrada principal del Hospital Militar, familiares de víctimas, sobrevivientes y activistas realizaron una alfombra floral con la palabra JUSTICIA. En silencio y agarrados de las manos se esperó el resultado de la audiencia mientras militares intimidaban tomando fotografías a los presentes y exigiendo que no se hiciera dicha alfombra.

A pesar de no haberse podido realizar la audiencia, no cesaremos en exigir justicia y perseguir penalmente a uno de los mayores responsables intelectuales del genocidio. Este obstáculo más no será el motivo para detenernos. Continuaremos diciendo la verdad, recuperando nuestra memoria y caminando hacia la justicia.

Guatemala, 14 de octubre de 2011.
Asociación para la Justicia y Reconciliación – AJR
Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos - CALDH


After 29 years of impunity for crimes against humanity and genocide committed during the internal armed conflict against the Maya People, on Thursday October 13 Judge Carol Patricia Flores indicted one of the intellectual authors of the genocide - José Mauricio Rodríguez Sánchez - who was the Director of Intelligence (G2) for the military high command from April 1982 to April 1983 in the government of Efraín Ríos Montt.

In 2001, survivors of the genocide launched a case against the 1982-1983 military high command made up of Head of State Efraín Ríos Montt, Minister of Defence General Oscar Humberto Mejía Víctores and General Hector Mario Lopez Fuentes. 

Kevin Hayes

After almost 10 years, the Public Prosecutor has culminated with the investigation of the case and solicited an arrest warrant for one of the implicated and has begun a judicial procedure.

We express our satisfaction with this arrest, which shows that Guatemala is beginning to create conditions to try serious violations of human rights committed during the armed conflict. We express our hope that the rest of the process will continue with events like this that strengthen the rule of law in our country. 

Justice progresses, but impunity presents obstacles. Again, General Lopez Fuentes evaded justice. In the Military Hospital today, the judge was to determine whether the public oral debate could open; nevertheless, the genocidal general was found in a state of unconsciousness. It was unclear whether or not it was due to his medical condition or from having been excessively sedated, and as a result, the hearing could not be conducted.  

Kevin Hayes

While the judge and the litigants in the case were in the room of Lopez Fuentes, relatives of victims, survivors and activists made a floral carpet with the word "JUSTICE" in front of the main entrance to the hospital. In silence and holding hands awaiting the outcome of the hearing, members of the military attempted to intimidate those present by taking photos and requesting they not make the carpet.

Despite not having been able to conduct the hearing, we will not cease to demand justice and the prosecution of one of the most responsible intellectual authors of the genocide. This obstacle will not be the reason to stop. We will continue telling the truth, recuperating our historic memory and walking towards justice. 
Guatemala, October 14th, 2011.
Association for Justice and Reconciliation - AJR
Centre for Human Rights Legal Action - CALDH

New genocide charges brought against military high command

José Mauricio Rodríguez Sánchez, former Director of Military Intelligence under the de facto government of Efraín Rios Montt, has become the second person to be formally charged with genocide after he was arrested on October 12, 2011.

Rodríguez Sánchez is accused as an intellectual author of military counter-insurgency campaigns between 1982 and 1983, detailed in the military documents Plan Victoria 82, Plan Sofia and Plan Firmeza 83, that resulted in genocide against the Maya Ixil people.

In his role as director of the G-2, he served directly under Army Chief of Staff Hector Mario López Fuentes and Minister of Defense Oscar Humberto Mejía Víctores - the second and third in command under Rios Montt. On June 20th, 2011 López Fuentes became the first person in Guatemala to be formally indicted on charges of genocide against rural and indigenous populations during the internal armed conflict. State officials also issued an arrest warrant for Mejía Víctores yesterday, but he is now considered a fugitive from the law after evading arrest.  Authorities are also searching for former military intelligence official Luís Enrique Mendoza García, wanted on similiar charges.

Formal charges against Rodríguez Sánchez were presented on October 13th when the Public Prosecutor accused him of committing genocide and crimes against humanity in at least 71 different incidents.  He is accused of having orchestrated the violent death of at least 317 people, the cruel and inhumane treatment of the Ixil people, the use of torture, sexual violence, psychological operations and the destruction of sacred spaces. Amongst the charges, he is also being accused of forcibly displacing more than 29,000 people from 54 communities between 1982 and 1983, and systematically burning and destroying homes.

The arrests in the genocide case are the result of over a decade of work by CALDH (Center for Legal Action in Human Rights) and the AJR (Association for Justice and Reconciliation) to bring to justice the intellectual authors of crimes committed during the armed conflict. The sudden movement in this case and other high-profile cases can in part be attributed to the appointment of Claudia Paz y Paz as Attorney General in 2010.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hearing suspended pending verification of health of Héctor Mario López Fuentes

Julia Cortéz, legal representative of the Association for Justice and Reconciliation (AJR).  The AJR and the Center for Legal Human Rights Action (CALDH) are the plaintiffs in the legal case against the retired general Héctor Mario López Fuentes, accused of genocide, crimes against humanity and forced disappearance.
Graham Hunt

First suspended on September 21 and reprogrammed for October 3, the hearing for the intermediate phase of the case against retired general Héctor Mario López Fuentes, accused of intellectual authorship of a genocide against the Maya Ixil People, as well as crimes against humanity and forced disappearance, was suspended once more pending the verification of the health of the defendant.

A brief article published in the Prensa Libre on September 30 indicated that the accused would be absent during the audience as the National Institute of Forensic Science of Guatemala (INACIF) had informed the court responsible for hearing high-risk cases that the former head of the Army Chief of Staff was in delicate health.  When asked at the beginning of the hearing on October 3 whether he was authorized to represent his client in his absence, the legal defense of López Fuentes replied that the accused was not in sufficiently good health physically or mentally to be capable of delegating his lawyer the responsibility of representing him before the court.  The prosecution proposed the judge personally verify the health of the accused, as she is authorized to do by law.  The judge acceded and, having programmed a visit to López Fuentes where he remains in the Military Hospital, suspended the hearing.

Judge Carol Patricia Flores converses with the defense lawyer (left) and lawyers of the accusing party (right).
Kevin Hayes

Se suspende juicio pendiente verificación del estado de salud de Héctor Mario López Fuentes

Julia Cortéz, representante legal de la Asociación para la Justicia y Reconciliación -AJR-.  La AJR y el Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos -CALDH- son los querellantes adhesivos en el caso legal contra el general retirado Héctor Mario López Fuentes, acusado de genocidio, crímenes de lesa humanidad y desaparición forzada.
Graham Hunt

Suspendida por primera vez el 21 de septiembre y reprogramada para el 3 de octubre, la audiencia para la fase intermediaria del caso que se lleva contra el general retirado Héctor Mario López Fuentes, a quién se le imputa la autoría material en un genocidio cometido contra el pueblo maya ixil, así como crímenes de lesa humanidad y desaparición forzada, volvió a aplazarse pendiente la verificación del estado de salud del acusado. 

En una nota salida el 30 de septiembre en la Prensa Libre, se informó que el acusado estaría ausente durante la audiencia, puesto que el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Forenses de Guatemala -INACIF- había informado al Juzgado Primero de Alto Riesgo que el ex-titular del Estado Mayor del Ejército se encontraba enfermo.  Iniciada la audiencia el 3 de octubre, se le preguntó al abogado defensor de López Fuentes si se encontraba facultado para representar a su cliente en su ausencia, a lo cual respondió que López Fuentes no se encontraba en condición física y mental para delegarle a su abogado la responsabilidad de representarlo al tribunal.  El Ministerio Público pidió que la jueza se movilizara para verificar personalmente el estado de salud del ex-militar, potestad que le faculta la ley.  Accedió y, habiendo programado visitar el 4 de octubre al acusado donde reposa en el Hospital Militar, dio por suspendida la audiencia.

La Jueza Carol Patricia Flores conversa con el abogado defensor (al lado izquierdo), y la parte acusatoria (al lado derecho).
Kevin Hayes