Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Efraín Ríos Montt to Stand Trial for Genocide

"Impunity is a perverse state that damages not only the 
victim, but society in general." - Judge Flores 

"We have to celebrate this historic event. Our struggle has become reality. It was worth it." - AJR activist

Last night, Judge Carol Patricia Flores ruled that there was sufficient evidence to formally charge former dictator Efraín Ríos Montt with genocide.  The U.S.-supported dictator ruled Guatemala in 1982 and 1983, while the military carried out a scorched earth policy at the height of the 36-year internal armed conflict.  Although this particular charge addresses massacres carried out in the Maya Ixil region, massacres were carried out throughout Guatemala and over 80% of the war's victims were indigenous Maya.

Graffiti artists created a mural that reads, "Ixil region - we demand justice".

"We can establish these are acts so degrading, so humiliating that there is no justification," the judge said after detailing the human rights abuses from survivors' testimonies.  In her decision, the judge clearly stated that the extermination of the civilian population was the result of military plans, and that these plans were executed under the command of Ríos Montt.

A memorial quilt with the names of family members killed during the conflict.

As the judge read the decision, family members, activists and supporters gathered outside the court applauded, hugged and lit firecrackers to celebrate.  Yesterday represented a huge symbolic and concrete step forward in the struggle against impunity for past and current crimes in Guatemala.

Impunity - Neither yesterday, nor today.

Ríos Montt posted bail and will be held under house arrest until his next trial date.   The Association for Justice and Reconciliation (AJR) and the Center for Human Rights Legal Action (CALDH) will be busy in the upcoming months preparing for trials against Ríos Montt and other members of his high command already facing genocide charges. 

"We are trying to achieve justice so that our children never experience these massacres. We ask the international community to be on alert and to support us in the struggle," the president of the AJR said yesterday outside the court. 

We are honored to have shared this historic moment and to have accompanied the survivors, their families and their legal advocates in this process for so many years.  We hope the courts will continue to proceed in accordance with international and national laws.

Thank you to all of you that have participated in the international support network!

Please stay tuned and take action in the critical months ahead:

For more information and pictures of yesterday's events:

Monday, January 30, 2012

Ríos Montt Linked to Genocide Process

Statement from CALDH and AJR

The Court has restored hope to Guatemalan society, which has waited nearly 30 years for the atrocities committed against the Mayan people to be recognized. In an historic and momentous act for  thousands of victims, Judge Carol Patricia Flores linked General José Efraín Ríos Montt, who functioned as head of state and one of the authors of the genocide, to the legal process. The members of the military high command in 1982 and 1983 are being held accountable, something that had seemed impossible, but today is a reality in Guatemala.

We applaud without hesitation the judge’s decision to incorporate Ríos Montt in the trial for genocide and crimes against humanity. However, we express our discontent with the house arrest authorized for him, due to the serious nature of his crimes that are of national and international significance.  This decision is also inconsistent, as the other two former members of the military accused of the same crimes are in preventative detention.

These facts show us that although there are judges and judicial officials who act according to the law, structures of power and impunity that favor certain sectors remain embedded within the country’s justice system. The Public Prosecutor detailed to the judge the elements of genocide and planning in which the accused participated - the same acts which were acknowledged by the judge and taken into consideration in the decision. Likewise, the Public Prosecutor justified the application of appropriate coercive measures for the accused, but this line of reasoning was rejected.

In 2001, surviving victims of the genocide filed a legal action against the military high command of 1982-83, comprised of the Head of State, Efraín Ríos Montt, the Minister of Defense, General Oscar Humberto Mejía Víctores, and General Héctor Mario López Fuentes. After almost 10 years of knocking on the doors of justice, the Public Prosecutor requested the first statement from Ríos Montt, linking him to the process.

These processes are a historic opportunity for the Guatemalan justice system to break with impunity, and to show the entire world that we are a country that complies with its law and with international human rights norms. Justice is the cornerstone that guarantees the non-repetition of violence. Therein lies the urgent necessity to apply it, for both the crimes of the past and the present.

The judge set a deadline of two months for the Public Prosecutor to present the indictment, after which a public hearing will be held to decide whether the case merits a public trial. We hope that the rest of the process will continue in accordance with the law; that the system of justice will not be unresponsive because of the significance of this case; and that it will not become complicit to delaying actions and obstructions that have characterized the strategy of the accused in other related cases.

On such a special day - marked on the sacred Mayan calendar by /Doce Tz´i´,/ which symbolizes justice, authority, the guardian of material and spiritual law - Guatemala takes a step forward in a landmark case for the country. We ask that the State respond in accordance with the law and the demands of justice. The State has a debt to the victims and survivors of the internal armed conflict.


Guatemala, 26 of January 2012
Association for Justice and Reconciliation (AJR)
Legal Action Center for Human Rights (CALDH)

Ríos Montt ligado a proceso por genocidio

Comunicado de CALDH y la AJR

La Justicia le devuelve la esperanza a la sociedad guatemalteca que tuvo que esperar casi 30 años para que se conocieran las atrocidades cometidas en contra del pueblo maya. En un hecho histórico y trascendental para las miles de víctimas, la Jueza Carol Patricia Flores dejó ligado a proceso a uno de los autores  del genocidio, el general José Efraín Ríos Montt quien fungió como jefe de estado. Los miembros del alto mando militar de los años 82 y 83 se encuentran rindiendo cuentas a la justicia, escenario que se creía imposible, pero que hoy en Guatemala es una realidad.

Apreciamos positivamente la decisión de la jueza de ligarlo a proceso por genocidio y delitos contra deberes de la humanidad,  sin embargo manifestamos nuestra inconformidad por la medida sustitutiva de arresto domiciliario otorgada a Ríos Montt ya que los delitos por los que se le imputó son graves y de gran trascendencia nacional e internacional. Asimismo, había ya un precedente de prisión preventiva para otros dos militares acusados por los mismos delitos, por lo que consideramos incoherente dicha medida.

Estos hechos nos demuestran que aunque hayan jueces y operadores de justicia que actúan apegado a derecho, todavía persisten en el país estructuras de poder e impunidad incrustadas en el sistema de justicia que pretenden favorecer a ciertos sectores. El Ministerio Público explicó a la jueza los elementos del genocidio por los que se considera que el imputado tuvo participación en la planificación de cada uno de los hechos mismos que fueron recogidos por la juzgadora y tomados en cuenta para la decisión. De igual forma el MP fundamentó en torno a la medida de coerción apropiada para el imputado, sin embargo estos fundamentos fueron rechazados.

En el año 2001, las víctimas sobrevivientes del genocidio interpusieron una querella contra el alto mando militar de 1982-1983 integrado por el Jefe de Estado, Efraín Ríos Montt, el Ministro de la Defensa General, Oscar Humberto Mejía Víctores y el General Héctor Mario López Fuentes. Después de casi diez años de haber tocado las puertas de la justicia, el Ministerio Público solicita la primera declaración de Ríos Montt  quedando ligado a proceso.

Estos procesos son una oportunidad histórica para el sistema de justicia guatemalteco que puede romper con la impunidad y demostrarle al mundo entero que somos un país que cumple con su legislación y la normativa internacional en materia de derechos humanos. La justicia es el pilar fundamental que garantiza la no repetición de los hechos violentos. Ahí radica la urgente necesidad de aplicarla, para los crímenes del pasado y el presente.

La jueza fijó un plazo de dos meses para que el Ministerio Público presente la acusación y luego de esta acción se realice la audiencia pública para decidir si amerita un debate oral y público. Esperamos que el resto del proceso continúe con actuaciones apegadas a derecho, que el sistema de justicia no sea indiferente ante la trascendencia de este caso y no se convierta en cómplice de acciones dilatorias y de obstrucción que han sido la estrategia del imputado en otros casos en los que se le ha relacionado.

En un día tan especial, en el que el calendario sagrado Maya nos marca el  Doce Tz´i´ que simboliza  la Justicia, la autoridad, el guardián de la ley material y espiritual,  Guatemala dio un paso adelante en un caso emblemático para el país, demandamos que el Estado responda apegado a derecho a la solicitud de justicia. El Estado tiene esa deuda con las víctimas y sobrevivientes del conflicto armado interno.


Guatemala, 26 de enero de 2012.
Asociación para la Justicia y Reconciliación – AJR
Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos - CALDH

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Former General Otto Pérez Molina’s First Days in Office

On January 14, former General Otto Pérez Molina assumed office as the next president of Guatemala, promising change.  Pérez Molina has sworn that his administration will produce results within 6 months by implementing new iron-fist measures to curb soaring violence and organized crime.

Pérez Molina's administration's first acts include removing the indigenous peoples' flag from the National Palace, citing that the flag represents division, and implementing a number of policies that will further militarize the state. Police-military task forces were almost immediately formed to combat extortions, murders, robbery, femicides and kidnappings, military patrols were deployed throughout the country and Pérez Molina has stated that he will seek the full re-instatement of U.S. military aid, restricted for decades due to the Guatemalan military's involvement in brutal human rights violations during the war.

The Patriot Party's governance plan is full of language reminiscent of military plans of the 1980s and in his inauguration speech Pérez Molina alluded to groups that refuse to let go of the past, but "rather appear to making a living off of it and continue to receive international support in some cases."  Human rights groups have long expressed concern about how this administration will respond to cases seeking justice for crimes committed during the war.

Press conference about the genocide case.  Photo by Kevin Hayes

Pérez Molina has also vowed to stimulate rural development by creating a new ministry, passing a rural development law proposed by a coalition of campesino groups, expanding the electrical grid and mining licenses, and raising royalties for mining companies.  The Guatemalan press reported that Canadian mining giant Goldcorp has negotiated an increase in royalties from 1% to 3%.  The CEO of Goldcorp is among Canada's 100 wealthiest CEOs.

Right-wing technocrats and military intelligence officials dominate Pérez Molina’s cabinet.  It remains to be seen how the emerging security apparatus and those in charge of implementing development plans will respond to social movements, land occupations and human rights defenders that challenge the administration in any way.

Further reading:




Genocide cases: Ríos Montt to Testify, Mejía Victores Unfit for Trial

Efraín Ríos Montt, the U.S.-supported dictator who ruled at the height of Guatemala's civil war, has been called to testify in the genocide case on January 26.  As of January 14th, Ríos Montt stepped down from his position in the Guatemalan Congress and no longer can argue congressional immunity for charges against him.

Regardless of the outcome of the hearing tomorrow, the fact that the former general has been called to testify represents a huge step forward for the survivors and legal advocates that have tirelessly worked this case for 11 years.

In mid-December Ríos Montt and his lawyers visited the offices of the Public Prosecutor's Office to ask for information regarding investigations against him, declaring that he is in good health and has no intention of evading charges. "There is a list of those accused of genocide and my name is on it," he said, "I don't want my arrest to be a spectacle, like in a movie, I will appear in court if I am cited."

On January 27th, the First Court for High Risk Crimes is set to determine whether Ríos Montt will face charges in the national genocide case brought by the Association for Justice and Reconciliation (AJR) and the Center for Human Rights Legal Action (CALDH). The Rigoberta Menchú Tum Foundation has called for Ríos Montt's arrest to face charges in the international genocide case under investigation by the Spanish courts.  Ríos Montt is the subject of an outstanding international arrest warrant issued by Interpol.

In a hearing on January 5th, Judge Carol Patricia Flores declared the suspension of legal proceedings against former head of state Oscar Humberto Mejía Victores, accused of responsibility for genocide and crimes against humanity committed by the Guatemalan military during his tenure as Minister of Defense for the Ríos Montt regime.  Both state-appointed and independent medical experts have found that Mejía Victores is unable to speak due to a stroke; Judge Flores ordered that his health be examined every 30 days, with the case to be re-opened if his health improves.  The Court had previously ruled to allow Mejía Victores to be detained under house arrest rather than at the Military Hospital in Guatemala City.

José Mauricio Rodríguez Sánchez, director of the "D2" military intelligence branch under Ríos Montt, was expected to stand trial for genocide and crimes against humanity starting January 31st, however his trial is likely to be delayed due to injunctions filed by his lawyers. Similarly, the process against Hector Mario López Fuentes, Army Chief of Staff under Ríos Montt, is stalled pending the resolution of an appeal filed by the AJR and CALDH to reinstate Judge Carol Patricia Flores.

For more analysis on developments in the struggle for justice and against impunity, see the article "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back : Challenges to the Justice System as Historic Cases Advance" on our website.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

2011: El año más violento contra defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos


La Unidad de Protección a Defensoras y Defensores de Derechos Humanos – Guatemala (UDEFEGUA), informa, que según nuestros registros, el año 2011, fue el año más violento en contra de defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos. Contabilizamos un total de 402 hechos, que representan violaciones de derechos humanos por el derecho a defender derechos. Las agresiones fueron cometidas en contra de 94 defensoras de derechos humanos lo que representa el 23% de casos, 293 defensores correspondientes al 73% de los registros, y el 4% fueron orientados en contra de instituciones. En relación con el año 2010 se evidencia un aumento en el número de casos registrados de un 33%.

Durante el gobierno de Álvaro Colom se registraron 1224 agresiones y eso contrasta con las 618 del gobierno de Oscar Berger y las 338 del gobierno de Alfonso Portillo. El agravamiento de la situación de defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos está directamente relacionado a la ausencia de atención a los conflictos de tierra y la política represiva en contra de las comunidades que objetan el uso de sus recursos sin consulta previa. El mal manejo de la
conflictividad social llevo al gobierno de Colom a utilizar los Estados de excepción como mecanismo de control social, agravando la situación de los defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos en la región.

Durante el 2011, el gobierno de Álvaro Colom retomó la práctica de la difamación a los defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos y con ello se abrió la puerta a más amenazas y a la criminalización, articulado por actores no Estatales. En este marco, el trabajo de los y las periodistas se ha visto en riesgo durante este período gubernamental.

A pesar de los compromisos adquiridos ante la comunidad internacional y la firma del Acuerdo Nacional para el Avance de la Seguridad y la Justicia, el gobierno de Álvaro Colom no institucionalizó los mecanismos estatales de protección a defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos. No se consensó, ni aprobó un Programa de Protección para Defensores de Derechos Humanos y Otras Víctimas Vulnerables. Tampoco se institucionalizó la Instancia de Análisis a Ataques a Defensores de Derechos Humanos, la cual dejará de funcionar el 9 de enero de este año, ya que el acuerdo gubernativo sobre la materia, está en espera de opinión en la Secretaría General.

Por su parte, el Ministerio Público ha avanzado en el esclarecimiento de algunos casos de delitos cometidos en contra de defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos; siendo los más emblemáticos los de Cotzal (2009), Lisandro Guarcax (2010) y Emilia Quan (2010). Sin embargo, la mayor parte de casos se mantienen aún en impunidad, siendo los más descuidados aquellos de sindicalistas y periodistas. Un avance importante es la firma de un convenio de cooperación firmado entre el Ministerio Público, el Ministerio de Gobernación y la COPREDEH para apoyar a la coordinación en materia de persecución penal y protección a defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos. Esperamos que el nuevo gobierno, de el seguimiento oportuno y que esto permita seguir avanzando en esta materia mientras el mismo formula una política sobre la temática.

Resaltamos que durante este último año la CICIG avanzó en la investigación y persecución penal de estructuras que agreden defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos; tal es el caso del asesinato del defensor Víctor Gálvez (2009). Asimismo, reconocemos las investigaciones que realiza en conjunto con el Ministerio Público en varios casos en donde funcionan cuerpos ilegales y aparatos clandestinos de seguridad.

Caso contrario, es el de la Procuraduría de Derechos Humanos de Guatemala –PDH-, la cual durante los últimos años ha venido en deterioro de sus funciones y credibilidad. El vacío dejado por la Procuraduría, genera una situación de vulnerabilidad muy grave para defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos actuando en lo local y para la población en general.

Agradecemos a la comunidad internacional, la cual representa un rol importante en la protección a defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos, no sólo a través de la actividad de la Oficina de la Alta Comisionada de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas, sino también a través de la actuación de Embajadas, la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y el sistema de las Naciones Unidas.

Al iniciarse el año 2012 y la gestión de un nuevo gobierno:

  • Llamamos a los defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos a mantenerse alertas y a continuar la denuncia sobre sus agresiones al sistema nacional e internacional.
  • Exhortamos a la comunidad internacional a mantener la vigilancia en torno a las agresiones en contra de defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos y a repudiar las acciones de difamación desarrolladas desde el Estado o consentidas por actores no estatales.
  • Exigimos al nuevo gobierno el cumplimiento de los compromisos adquiridos en el Acuerdo Global sobre Derechos Humanos, el Acuerdo Nacional para el Avance de la Seguridad y la Justicia y la Declaración Internacional sobre el Derecho y Deber de las Personas, Grupos e Instituciones a Promover y Defender los Derechos Humanos y Libertades Universalmente reconocidas.


Unidad de Protección a Defensores y Defensoras de Derechos Humanos de Guatemala


Guatemala, 6 de enero de 2012

Defensoras y Defensores asesinados durante 2011


Esvin Carol Gálvez
SGTSG Filial Hospital Nac. de Retahuleu

Víctor Haroldo Leyva Borrayo
Artista independiente

Ramiro Chon
Comisión de los 15

Alberto Coc Cal

Sebastián Xuc Coc

Catalina Mucú Maas

Eddy Cáceres Rodríguez
Corte Suprema de Justicia

Antonio Bec Ac
Comite de Unidad Campesina CUC

Eduardo Jesús Velásquez Godínez
Comisión de los 15

Oscar González
Sindicato de Trabajadores Bananeros de Izabal SITRABI

Oscar Reyes
Cooperativa Actéla R.L.

Allan Stoliwsky Vidaurre
Ministerio Publico, Cobán, Alta Verapaz

Idar Joel Hernández Godoy

María Margarita Chub Ché

Manuel Mucu Choc
Comunidad Playa Pataxte

Marvin Leonel Pop Can
Comunidad Playa Pataxte

Sergio de León
Asociación Brisas del Samala

Byron Aroldo Arreaga Rosales
SITRASEREPRO- 2o. Registro de la Propiedad

Crisanto Maquim
Alianza de Comunidades Indigenas y Campesinas de Guatemala -ACICG-

2011: The Most Violent Year for Human Rights Defenders

2011: The Most Violent Year for Human Rights Defenders

The Human Rights Defenders Protection Unit – Guatemala (Unidad de Protección a Defensoras y Defensores de Derechos Humanos – Guatemala; UDEFEGUA) reports that, according to our records, 2011 was the most violent year so far for human rights defenders. We counted a total of 402 violations of the right to defend human rights. The aggressions were committed against 94 female human rights defenders, representing 23% of the cases; 293 male defenders, corresponding to 73% of the cases, and 4% were committed against institutions. In comparison with 2010, we see a rise of 33% in the number of cases registered. 

During the government of Álvaro Colom UDEFEGUA documented 1,224 acts of aggression, in comparison to 618 during the government of Oscar Berger and 338 during the government of Alfonso Portillo. The gravity of the situation for human rights defenders is directly related to the lack of attention to land conflicts and the repressive policies against communities that object to the use of their resources without previous consultation. The poor management of social conflictivity caused the government of Colom to use States of Exception [similar to Martial Law] as a mechanism of social control, aggravating the situation for human rights defenders in the region. 

During 2011, the government of Álvaro Colom once again used the practice of defamation against human rights defenders and with this opened the door to more threats and criminalization committed by non-State actors. In this regard, the work of journalists has been put at risk during this government.

Despite their commitments before the international community and the signing of the National Accord for the Advancement of Security and Justice, the government of Álvaro Colom has not institutionalized state mechanisms for the protection of human rights defenders. They did not come to a consensus, nor did they approve the Program for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Other Vulnerable Victims. Neither did they institutionalize the Unit for Analysis of Attacks against Human Rights Defenders, which ceased to function on January 9th this year, given that the governmental agreement is awaiting the opinion of the president's office. 

On the other hand, the District Attorney has advanced in some cases regarding crimes committed against human rights defenders; the most emblematic being the cases of Cotzal (2009), Lisandro Guarcax (2010) and Emilia Quan (2010). However, the majority of cases remain in impunity, particularly cases involving journalists and unionists. One important advance is the signing of the Convention for Cooperation signed between the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of the Interior, and the Presidential Commission for Coordinating Executive Policy in Human Rights (COPREDEH) to support the coordination of penal prosecution and protection for human rights defenders. We hope that the new government will follow up on these changes and allow advances to continue as they formulate a policy on these themes.

We recognize that during this last year the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) advanced in the investigation and penal prosecution of structures that attack human rights defenders; such as in the case of the murder of human rights defender Víctor Gálvez (2009). As such, we note the investigations undertaken with the Public Prosecutor's Office in various cases in which there are illegal bodies and clandestine security apparatuses functioning.

A contrasting case is that of the Human Rights Ombudsman (Procuraduría de Derechos Humanos, PDH) which, in recent years has deteriorated in its functionality and credibility. The vacuum left by the PDH has generated a very grave situation of vulnerability for human rights defenders acting at the local level, and for the population in general.

We thank the international community, which has assumed an important role in the protection of human rights defenders, not only through the activities of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, but also through the actions of the Embassies, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the system of the United Nations.

As we enter 2012 and the administration of a new government:

  • We call on human rights defenders to remain alert and to continue reporting aggressions in national and international systems.
  • We urge the international community to remain vigilant of aggressions against human rights defenders and to condemn acts of defamation by the State or by non-state actors with the State's consent.
  • We demand that the new government comply with the commitments of the Global Accord on Human Rights, the National Accord for the Advancement of Security and Justice, and the International Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Institutions to Promote and Defend Universally Recognized Human Rights and Freedoms.


Human Rights Defenders Protection Unit


Guatemala, January 6th, 2012

Human Rights Defenders murdered during 2011


Esvin Carol Gálvez
SGTSG Filial Hospital Nac. de Retahuleu

Víctor Haroldo Leyva Borrayo
Independent Artist

Ramiro Chon
Comisión de los 15

Alberto Coc Cal
Community Leader

Sebastián Xuc Coc

Catalina Mucú Maas

Eddy Cáceres Rodríguez
Supreme Court of Justice

Antonio Bec Ac
Peasant Unity Committee (Comité de Unidad Campesina, CUC)

Eduardo Jesús Velásquez Godínez
Commission of the 15 (Comisión de los 15)

Oscar González
Banana Workers' Union (Sindicato de Trabajadores Bananeros de Izabal, SITRABI)

Oscar Reyes
Actéla Cooperative (Cooperativa Actéla R.L)

Allan Stoliwsky Vidaurre
District Attorney (Ministerio Publico, Cobán, Alta Verapaz)

Idar Joel Hernández Godoy

María Margarita Chub Ché

Manuel Mucu Choc
Comunidad Playa Pataxte

Marvin Leonel Pop Can
Comunidad Playa Pataxte

Sergio de León
Asociación Brisas del Samala

Byron Aroldo Arreaga Rosales
SITRASEREPRO- 2o. Registro de la Propiedad

Crisanto Maquim
Alianza de Comunidades Indígenas y Campesinas de Guatemala -ACICG-