Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Historica condena por masacre de Las Dos Erres


El Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos, CALDH, manifiesta su complacencia ante la reciente condena de cuatro militares responsables de la masacre del Parcelamiento Las Dos Erres, Petén, en diciembre de 1982 en donde fueron asesinadas más de doscientas personas.

La sentencia condenatoria recoge elementos fundamentales para la historia del país, entre ellos: que la masacre fue debidamente planificada como parte de la política contrainsurgente que se implementaba en aquella época y representó un castigo y advertencia a los pobladores por la supuesta colaboración con la guerrilla quedando comprobado en el debate que la población de las Dos Erres se dedicaban a actividades agrícolas, no habiéndose encontrado armas en el lugar.

El tribunal reconoció que las violaciones sexuales cometidas contra mujeres y niñas de la comunidad dejaron en las sobrevivientes graves secuelas psicológicas que hasta la fecha padecen. Cabe resaltar que la condena impuesta a los kaibiles y al teniente fue por cada una de las personas que fueron masacradas en las Dos Erres, con lo que el Tribunal valora la vida de cada una de las víctimas que perecieron en la barbarie.

Expresamos nuestro reconocimiento al Honorable Tribunal Primero de Sentencia Penal de Alto Impacto integrado por las abogadas Patricia Bustamente, Jasmín Barrios y el abogado Pablo Xitemul, quienes han actuado apegado a derecho y respetando la legislación nacional e internacional. Reconocemos también la labor realizada por la Fiscal y los Fiscales del Ministerio Público que tuvieron a su cargo este caso.

Manifestamos nuestra admiración y reconocimiento a las mujeres y hombres familiares y sobrevivientes de la masacre de las Dos Erres, quienes han perseverado para alcanzar justicia, su ejemplo nos anima a continuar en la lucha. Asimismo, a la Asociación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos de Guatemala, FAMDEGUA, quienes han acompañado este caso con una incansable valentía.

Mediante la sentencia dictada, el Sistema de Justicia guatemalteco reconoce la gravedad de la masacre y da una luz de esperanza a las miles de familiares de víctimas y sobrevivientes del conflicto armado interno que aún esperan justicia. Juzgar los hechos del pasado es fundamental para garantizar que NUNCA MÁS se vuelvan a repetir estos crímenes que lastiman la dignidad de la humanidad entera.

¡Por el derecho a un País Justo!
Guatemala, 02 de agosto de 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Two Municipalities of Santa Rosa Say NO to Tahoe Resources and Metal Mining

A resident of Nueva Santa Rosa holds up her index finger after exercising her right to vote.   Delmi Arriaza
In July, almost 13,000 residents from two municipalities in the department of Santa Rosa voted against all mining projects on their land.  The municipalities are two of five in the department of Santa Rosa affected by the Escobal project, a silver deposit owned by Canadian company Tahoe Resources.  Since 2005, more than 700,000 people throughout Guatemala have democratically voted NO to large-scale development projects, such as mining and hydroelectric dams, in more than 60 community referendums.

Authorities prepare for the vote in the community El Anonillo of the municipality of Nueva Santa Rosa.  Francois Guindon
First Referendum in Santa Rosa: 98.87% say NO to Chemical Metal Mining

On July 3rd, 7,602 residents of the municipality of Nueva Santa Rosa participated in the community referendum.  The press release by CODIDENA (Consejo Diocesano de Defensa de la Naturaleza Santa Rosa, Guatemala), Lideres Principales Hablando del Pueblo Xin-Ka, the Colectivo Ecologista MadreSelva, CALAS, and WAQIB’ Kej stated: “The consultation convened by the City Council at the request of residents of the municipality, gave a result that clearly reflects the NO to mining and YES to Life, with 98.87% votingNo” and 1.13% voting “Yes.

A resident of Joya del Cañal village votes in the referendum in Santa Rosa de Lima.  Francois Guindon

Second Referendum in Santa Rosa: 98.34% Say NO to Chemical Metal Mining

A week later, on Sunday, July 10th, the neighboring municipality of Santa Rosa de Lima organized the second community referendum in the region.  Late that evening, the mayor declared the municipality of Santa Rosa de Lima “Free of Chemical Metal Mining”.  Of the 5,338 residents that participated, 98.34% votedNo” and 1.66% voted “Yes” to metal mining projects.

The Escobal Project and Tahoe Resources

Tahoe Resources acquired the Escobal project from Goldcorp in 2010.  The founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of Tahoe Resources, Kevin McArthur, was CEO of Glamis Gold and Goldcorp until 2008. 

After acquiring the Escobal project, McArthur expected little opposition from the local population. In September 2010, during a presentation at the Denver Gold Conference, McArthur stressed that “The Escobal project is in a region that is receptive to the mining industry...We are not in the Guatemalan Mayan highlands; we are down in the southeast portion of the country. We will not have the indigenous issues that Marlin and some of the other mines in the country have had.”

With a third referendum underway in another municipality near the Escobal project, the population is demonstrating its opposition to metal mining based on rights defined in Guatemala's municipal code.  Tahoe Resources lawyers have challenged the validity of this type of referendum.

Meet Minera San Rafael S.A., a subsidiary of Tahoe Resources

On July 9th, a day before the referendum, residents of almost every village of Santa Rosa de Lima found thousands of pro-mining materials, including materials promoting Tahoe Resources subsidiary, San Rafael S.A. 

Pamphlet "ABCs of Mining": A) "Benefits of mining in our lives", B) "Legal framework of Mining", C) Collaboration between the Church and the mining sector".

Pamphlet 2: "Nice to meet you, we are Minera San Rafael, S.A...If you have this informative text in your hands, it means  you and your family are willing to give  the development of Guatemala a chance."
Pro-mining propaganda is not new in the region.  Transnational companies have spent large sums of money on publicity in mass media.  In San Rafael Las Flores, Santa Rosa, the community tabloid Buenos Días has been published since October 2010:

First issue of Buenos Días

Articles in the first issue of Buenos Días: "Mining in the Twenty First Century" and "Advice on How to Preserve the Environment at Home".

For further information on the communities' ongoing resistance to mining, please read COPAE's photo essay: "The Destiny of San Rafael las Flores" (in Spanish).